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Of neighbors, Friends and Foes

And in other news yesterday’s  “India “ “China” face off seems to
have subsided today morning

Since it’s too hot I keep making short visits to the balcony while cooking , to cool down in the cool (comparatively) morning breeze as well as keep an eye on my avian neighbours

Yesterday morning the gubbi ( sparrow in Kannada) crowd was at a very high decibel excited state, flying about , twittering away ....
I thought maybe an unwelcome visitor to their bougainvillea bower ...
Then spotted a sparrow couple engaged in a violent skirmish with the resident starling couple

The starling couple have staked claim to the chimney exhaust pipe in the opposite house second floor
( The mynah bird couple are nesting in the third floor chimney exhaust having successfully defended their property from the pesky pigeons )

I have seen a sparrow couple getting in and out of the second floor exhaust during the day and have also seen the starling couple in the mornings and evenings

Were they sharing the nest space I would wonder , upper and lower nook , inside the  pipe and outer layer ?

Yesterday the two pairs went off into an all out war

The smaller sparrows were giving as good as they got

Were they squabbling over “ your nest kutchi (Twig in Tamil) fell into ours” or “ your nest kuppai Trash in Tamil) (in our” ??

Whatever happened finally peace reigns today morning

I spotted  one of the starlings getting into the space today morning

All’s quiet in the bougainvillea bower too but for the normal activities ...

So I remarked to Hubby Dear that it looked like the India China face off had stopped
For a moment he took it literally, scanning the newspaper for the headlines till I explained I was talking about our avian neighbours

The human neighbours have become like the birds before lockdown .....rarely seen ðŸ˜Š


Kanti Subramanyam is a daughter, wife, mother, admiring sister-in-law, doting aunt and grand aunt. Reading, listening to music & humming along, travelling when possible, physically and the armchair variety, are a few of her favorite things.


such a lovely balcony, wishing you well!

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