It’s been hard battling those feelings coupled with anxiety and unpredictability that is staring at us in the face. Like most of you, I am also suffocating with the social distancing, drowning in the fear of the unknown, my heart sinking every time I look at the growing numbers of COVID-19 cases around the world. While I force myself to laugh at the memes, forwards and the forced humor that is going around to distract me from the horror of the pandemic, I am missing meeting friends, my brand new & inspiring yoga class, participating at my local writing groups, worrying about the possible loss of the school year and swallowing the bitter pill that I might not be able to visit my home country this year too, after the unexpectedly long wait of five years. I am also working on accepting that it's going to be a while before my dishwasher is fixed. Cheers to more exercise for my fingers! The present crisis has made few unpleasant memories from the past surface. The emphasis on sa...
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